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Japan SFC List of Theses/Dissertations     Doctoral and Master Theses of Shonan Fujisawa Campus Shinanomachi SFC Bookmark
Material Type : Theses
Subject : Nursing Science / Social Sciences
Master's theses (including doctoral dissertations up to 2012) from the Graduate School of Media and Governance and Graduate School of Health Management are available.

Each list can be viewed only from the following network(s).
Graduate School of Media and Governance: Shonan Fujisawa Campus
Graduate School of Health Management: Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Shinanomachi Campus
※Please use VPN connection if you are a member of SFC and use the service remotely.
※Doctoral dissertations from 2012 onward are available on KOARA.
※Theses without the permission of the author(s) cannot be downloaded in abstract or full text.